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Thank you for taking the time to apply to join our club! Once submitted, we will review your application and promptly email you with our decision and further instructions. 

The SGVFD Chapter of the Fire Hogs Motorcycle Club membership dues are $245.00 paid in full at the time of turning in your membership application and $45.00 annually thereafter. Initial dues cover cost of “Patch”. Member must purchase his own “approved” vest. The Colors issued to you remain the property of the Club and must be returned to  the Club when asked.


Colors will be issued ONLY after your registration fees of $245 are paid in full and:

  • You’ve attended at least 2 Membership Meetings within the first year.

  • Participated in 3 Rides/Events within the first year of your signing up and EVERY YEAR thereafter.

  • Have shown the Board that you are a member in “Good Standing."

  • Attach a current picture of yourself  with your American-made Motorcycle to your application.


Failure to abide to all By-Laws and Club Charter will be grounds for expulsion from Club.



WWW.FIREHOGS.ORG FIRE HOGS and their  logo (R) are trademarks owned by FIRE HOGS M/C LAFD, registered in the USA .All logos and designs of FIRE HOGS are trademark-protected  (TM) and protected according to international law. Copying and other use is not allowed.

Signature (by typing out your full name in the text box below) acknowledges your understanding of said By-Laws and

Club Charter.

Thanks for submitting! Please email a current picture of yourself  with your American-made Motorcycle to in order to complete your application. 

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